KOOFRA – Koordinierungsstelle gegen Frauenhandel e.V. Hamburg

Infos in 35 Sprachen





Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation


  • You are being forced to engage in prostitution,
  • You have to work under unbearable/poor conditions in the prostitution sector,
  • You are not allowed to decide
  • which clients you accept,
  • which sexual practices you offer,
  • what rates you charge,
  • You are not allowed to keep your money,
  • You know someone who needs help,
  • You would like some information:

Give us a call! Counselling is confidential.

We will not do anything without your consent.

Website: www.koofra.de

E-Mail: info@koofra.de

Telefon: +49-(0)40 – 67 999 757

Monday to Thursday: 11am – 5pm Friday: 11am – 2pm

If we are not in the office: Please leave your phone number and a message in your language on the answering machine and we will call you back as soon as possible.

Exploitation in the prostitution sector

A few examples:

  • You are forced to accept all clients.
  • You are not allowed to refuse any of your clients’ sexual requests.
  • You are forced to work without protection/ without a condom.
  • Your passport or travel documents have been taken away.
  • You are not allowed to move freely or are under control.
  • You are not allowed to set your own rates.
  • You do not get any breaks or days off.
  • You are being abused, threatened or blackmailed.
  • Someone is putting you under pressure because of debts.
  • You have to hand over all (or nearly all) of you earnings.
  • You are being threatened because you have no work permit or documents.
  • You are not allowed to go to the doctor when you are ill.

If any of the points above applies to you then you may be a victim of traffi cking in human beings. Even if you originally agreed to it.



  • supports trafficked persons
  • is an independent organisation
  • gives advice and information

You are entitled to support and help!

  • We will counsel you.
  • All discussions are anonymous/confi dential.
  • We do not pass on any information.
  • Our staff members come from the same country as you or speak your language.

What can KOOFRA offer?

  • Help with organising Accommodation, Medical care, Benefi ts from the State, Free legal assistance
  • Accompaniment when speaking to the authorities
  • Help with passport procedures
  • On request: accompaniment when speaking to the police
  • On request: assisted voluntary return to your home country
  • And much more